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rA rATHE OFCaJAtlTY OF AFAEER AFAEEROFCaJAtlTY A QUALITY QUA I APER LITY TH THE E W WASHINGTON SH INGrirON B HERALD E HAL D JSJ onefourth in oneto 1 n THc Washington WubiD Waa6inptonT04 WashingtonNO cHera1d nh Herald of on onNO4 gees the to en home homein MmeJ over overonefourthNO NO4 4 WASHINGTON D C THURSDAY OCTOBER 11 1906TWELVE PAGES ONE TE CENTt L5OOQOOM1SS1NG L5OOQOOM1SS1NGi j Mm IN INallAgelltifC u allAgellt an n Agent Acut t Gop GQJU o < 10 and aI d NYork N v vt vYorkYork Housefails HousefailsfimielSilviera House Fails Failsff ttsf t I QlF G PJ ON SE1S SE1Snuel SE 1SfimielSilviera ia nuel nilel Silvi m ll lland viera la Leaves Le aves yesava Havana Havanaand la lafand afand and lll1er6tIleOlew Thep PJiereTthe a the Clew Ends Endspr EndsCebaUorrpr ai Ceballos CebnlIofJ k d Co Make Assign Assignment AHsIgnclit Assignment ment clit When Shli > f wjth rItlt Specie SpecieAboard SvecleAlward SpecieAboardAboard Docs Not ot Arrive Arrh ArrheStutcauent ArrheStutcauent1skued Statement StatementIssued StatcJUentHuedIssued Hued By Attorney ArttorneTsfor ttornei for tor tIle AsesIgnee As Assignee A Agnec4JaUs signee gnec4JaUs 4JaUs Galls aiistdng Man inn Ab Abscondor AbJ1on Abecoeco scondor J1on ulur ori I Liabilities t n nltles Are c Heavy HeavyNew nea neaNew llcavlNewNew York Oet ML BtThe The bunking house bouseof houseof houseqq of J fl Mw OsbaJtea I fe Co New York and anaHauaaa andmade andEieroaanmdeHauaaa Eieroaanmde made a tl gfenecai alignment for fort fortJt fortirotJt t e benefit of ertfkors ereltors today to Willoan Wil William liam 1 V Rowe of the law firm of sum Suilis4a Sullivaa sumVias4a Via A CromwellThe Cromwell CromwellThe CrOmwellTbeThe house was wasp U very Important mp rtaftt one oneia oneia oneIseia Wall street street 1tnt its Itt resources being gen genteighty genJly sentaJbeighty Jly i pIued iac d between oJ 3i11Rti01 W9M and andttt 5 5ud 5N1 5N1andttt and it was the roost important importantAmerican ImportantINInidDg importantAamyr1eaaAmerican banking home 80 o far 1 as re relations re rewIt relatt6tns lations wIt Cuba and Porto Rico are areconcerned axeC8IICelJMMl areesneernedconcerned The Tb assignee a ee after a cursory cursoryexamination CUIS4ry1tJon cursoryexatiaationexamination 1tJon roughly estimated the lla HabOttMs llabfmiee llabbfmiee b bOttMs at between Weetl SI ld1001LI0 M and 4000 4000No 51000000 51000000No 4000000 4000000NoNo prediction of the vahA of the assets assetswas ASsetsWU assetswaswas ventured veat1lledThe venturedThe venturedTheThe msareeponslbie man responsible IeIIPOIUIIWeror for the 2 failure failureaccording lIurt lIurtaecontlB IiureaccordingaecontlB according to William Nelson Cromwell Cromwellattorney CromwellaUorBe7 Cromwellattorneyattorney for the assignee is on the highseas high highseas hipseasseas juat where no one knows He is isManael IsMmI8 ishotelManael hotel Stvim Sttvtera of Havana head of the thehovee theof thehaaehovee of 3Hviera It Co bankers kers and mer merchants Jlterc mere111tats chants c of Havana a lifelong H lOBg friend friendaad frieRdcIoIIe friendandand dose bastness assoeNLte of J X XCfebaHos I ICe4 CfebaHos Ce C alioe and a Cuban aw correspondent eon ent ef J JJ JM3 J M CetoeNos ft Co CoKKher CoJot CoEnvierEnvier lost try y him In spe sjrtuiiftn u1Mlea i or to toMs Ia1Iullatt InhisMs ppisscsion poeeese on is IJGI i00tot Mlaft in Jti money mo 8 andother and andother IUIdotIIerother property belonging to the New NewYork NewYwk NowYorkYork house houseHard house1IarrI houselardHard lard to 3Inke Collections CollectionsTwo CoUeetlonsTwo CollectlousTwoTwo months age so Mr Silviera wrote wroteMir WroteJIIIPCebaIla wroteImoMir JIIIPCebaIla Ceballos connections ooftn ctIons got slack to toOfea inC htCOfea C Cuban revolution Oft was impending impendingand Jpendt JpendtAIId impendingandand it was impossible to secure anything anythinglike aaythlDSJlnlike 1111 prompt payments He would do the thebest thebe thebebest be he could eoukIJater later he wrote TOte but the thesituation tlIesltatIoft thenltatlonsituation was really rall getting worse and andfrom JUIdt andfromfrom fr that tt time up to last week v a rani ranitttane mulI nnulttadeI tttane of excuses e cuem and very little money moneycame mOltQcame moneycametcame to the New York house from its itsHavana JtaHaft ItsHavanaHaft Havana agentEvemtealty agent agentEventually a ntEventvanyEventually Mr Ceballoe got a cable cablelast IeWIt cableIzslast Izs week Monday from Mr Silviera 5i1rlan m mwhich in inwhieMwhich Jh hut latter r MI Saw d Ife II lrad hjaot et beers beersatpaasfpbt seejt seejtsa4oeatpaasfpbt sa4oe afnjl ht IitiC MdW s en the most mostarias most hs hsaraovsaraovs arias risks 11 and that he would start > on onthe onmJ the following day to bring a COlli oompfcr oompfcraccounting te toataeunthidaccounting and terg large sums 1111 of bullion bumedratt bngkndatts sf sfdraftsdrafts to Ceballoe Co to take a long longrest 10narat longrestrest rat and to spend a long visit with his hisold hiesoldold and true friend the head of the firm firmHe ftrmHe firmHeHe started from Havana according accordta to tohte tohJ tohishis announcement on one of his own ownsteamers ownstamen ownsteamerssteamers the Carmenna carrying as its itssole Ita80ie hasolesole passengers his wife and children and andmanned anetJIIIUIDOd andmannedmanned entirely by his own employee employesMr emplo emploMr employeeldrMr Cebalkw CellaJ expected his friends n ones on onSunday 011StuI4I4u onSuadoySunday bat he knew that the Carmelina Carmelinawas Canncllnai CazmellnaWwas W a cattle boat of but 2000 OOO tons bur burden burda burden i den and was not greatly worried when whenthe whenthe whenthethe shin n failed to make port tnt day On OnMonday OnJtlOlHlay OnMondayMonday be had a sharp lookout kept for forthe fotthe forthethe overdue steamer and began to feel a abit at abitbit t concerned though tbou < h not yet eery eeryanxious seriously seriouslyanxious eriouslYaDXtoasanxious over the deal dealOn dealOa dealOnOn Tuesday Mr Cebaltos began to make makeinquiries makeiaQatrte makeinquiriesinquiries for the mteeiae mIe ship He made madeas madeuor madeasas thorough uor h inquiries as possible Cables Cabeehave Cableshave CabIeIIfthave ft been sent to every port which the theCarmelina theCarmeDna theCarnueIInaCarmelina could have reached in the time timeehvpsed timeeJap timeelapsedelapsed ed since October 2 The Carmeitna Carmeiimthas Carmeitnahas Cannell Cannellauhas entered none of these ports nor has hasthere baathere hastherethere come in lit as far as a can be ascer 8Certalfted aeeertwined ascertained twined any vessel ve which has spoken or orsighted oraJPted orsightedsighted her herShips IterSblps herShipsShips Whereabouts Unknown UnknownConsequently UnknownCoMequently UnknownCensequendyConsequently no member of the firm and andao andDO andnoao lawyer 17 connected with the th investiga investigation iatve inveotigation tip tiptton tion can tell whether the Carmelina has hasmade hasmademade 1 for the end8 ends of the earth whether whetheritit has been sunk with the Silviera family familythe famnytile familythethe crew seeking a hiding place on some somelittle ome1IUte somelittlelittle unknown coast or whether it lenihslts hi hifcntlsms jsrulfcntlsms rul about bout the Spanish Main as a apirate a1m apiratepirate or whether it has met with some someaccident 500HacelMnt someaceldentaccident accidentAH acelMntAJ1 aceldentAllAH the circumstances taaces inspire opeculation specula speculation vpeeuIatloo tloo tion but it is noteworthy that in the thextateniaUi theIttattaI thestateneasxtateniaUi given out oy y tile counsel t el to today to today today day not even CR a suggeion susge Ion is made e that thatthe 1batthe thatthethe ship has met with some ordinary ordinarymishap ordlnftrymtahap ordinarymishapmishap OH the high seas seasAs SMSA8 seasAsAs alleged by William Nelson Crom Cromwell Cromwell Cromwell well attorney for the assignee the cir eircumstaaCes circumstances drCUIU cumstances CUIU are as follows followsJ followsuJuJ J M M Cebalkw Co bankers of hew IsewYork hewYork ew ewYCMkYork and Havana have today made madege a ageneral ageeneralgeneral ge ral assignment for the benefit to Wil William WIIJiam IViI11am liam V Rowe of the law firm of Sullivan SullivanA SullivanCromwellA Cromwell with William elson Crom Cromwell Cromwell Cromwellwell as counsel to the assignee The SUfi suspensteR SUfiIHIRI sueDdnieionpensteR ia stated by the firm to be due to tothe tothe tothethe defalcation of Manuel Silviera of SJl SJlviara SlIiQl1l 531vleraviara 4b Co bankers and merchants of ofHavana ofHavtM ofHavanaHavana who for several years have rep represented repre represented resented re the business bu office o lce of Ceballos CeballosCo I ICo RCoCo His deficiency amounts to 1M9OM 1 in inmoney inmo inmoneymoney and other property propertyDisappears propertyDfsnlpenrS propertyDisappearsDisappears from Havana HavanaStlvfora lIaanaSCh1ora HavanaSilviaraStlvfora disappeared from Havana on onTuesday onT1IeIday onTiiendayTuesday the 3d inst in one of his own ownsteamers o ownsteamers 11 11stlamerssteamers named the Carmelina withNew with withNew v1thNewNew York as his ostensible destination destinationIn de tinat1oDInIn local publications he announced his alstdon in nthither intention thither of going to New York and m mletters let letJettenl Inlettersletters to Mr Ceballos he declared his htepurpose hisJMIIP08e1 purpose of coming to New York and per pernonally fIruy perseallynonally presenting N his accounts and delimning de delivering deUwrt limning Uwrt C the balance lance on handHe hand handHe h8JtdHeHe was expected in due course to toreach torelldt torentreach New York on Monday of this thisweek tblsbut thisweekweek but failed to appear and it has just justdeveloped j jdeYeIoped justdevelopeddeveloped by cable from Havana that Instead in instead In Instead stead of departing for New York be had hadleft badJert hadleftleft for p